For Your Prayers this week

For Your Prayers this week

In John 17 vs.4 the Lord Jesus said to God the Father, “I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the

work you gave me to do.” Throughout His earthly ministry through Who He was, what He did, and how He

lived, the Lord consistently glorified the Father, i.e. He drew everyone’s attention to the amazing nature,

beauty, and perfection of God the Father. As we become more Christ-like, then we will increasingly glorify

God the Father through who we’re becoming, what we’re doing, and how we’re living out our lives. Howev-

er, as sinful people, we can be glory grabbers rather than givers of glory to God. Therefore, every morning

and through the day, we must pray to the Holy Spirit, asking Him to work in us to give glory to God. Also,

pray for the Spirit to work through your family and the fellowship at TRBC to give glory to God. I encourage

you to memorise and daily pray out Psalm 115 vs. 1 in every situation:

“Not to us / (me), O Lord, not to us / (me)

..but to your name be glory,

..because of your love and faithfulness.”

Monday: Reading the bible daily has several benefits. The bible shows us God revelation of himself to

his people. In each section we see God's holy unchanging faithful gracious and loving character. Let us

pray as we read the bible that the Holy Spirit will speak, and we will be obedient. In every situation,

please ask the Lord to make Proverbs 2 vs. 6 a reality in your life: “For the Lord gives wisdom and from

his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.”

Tuesday: Jeremiah 25:17-26. Jeremiah tells us to pray for leaders of the nation. Let us pray for world

leaders to know God and received his mercy and salvation and rule with guidance from the Bible.

Wednesday: Please let use this prayer from Open Doors to intercede for Sudan. “Father

God, we lift up Sudan and pray for stability in the region. May those who covet power and those who

seek to fight choose to walk the path of peace. Bring justice and healing to this divided land, we pray. Out

of this darkness, we pray that light will come. We pray for a government that respects equality and reli-

gious freedom. May Your church in this land reflect Your humility, forgiveness and love, and so act as a

signpost to the possibility of a different way of life. Bring hope for those who feel helpless, healing for

those who have been wounded, and safety for all those who feel afraid. Amen.”

Thursday: Act12 v5. Luke points out that prayer is central to the life of the church. While Peter was in

Prison the church prayed earnestly to God for him and their prayers were answered Let us pray for Chris-

tians being prosecuted for their faith that the Lord will uphold them and the prosecutors will come to know

the Lord

Friday: In Titus 1:6-10, Apostle Paul lists the quality of a church leader and in Acts 6:3,5 (see also Exo-

dus 18:17-21) we were given the quality traits of deacons. Let us thank the Lord for His work through Ps.

Kumar and the leadership team. Please pray that the Lord will continue to make His will and plans for our

fellowship known to them and that our pastor will have the courage and boldness to teach and preach

God’s word unapologetically and undiluted. Pray that our deacons will be men and women of faith, wis-

dom and full of the Holy Spirit. Pray that they may be people who fear the Lord, trustworthy and faithful.

Pray also for Christian leaders that they will not be pressured into changing God’s unchanging message

or truth

Saturday: Praying for leaders enables us to live peaceful and quiet lives, which pleases God, Who

wants all people to be saved. Please pray that our political leaders (and leaders of nations of the world)

may have the fear of the Lord so that they govern righteously and in such ways that promote peace, unity

and prosperity in line with God’s will. Pray that they will not make laws or act in any way that hinders the

spread of the gospel in the land but instead make laws and act in ways that promote the spread of the

gospel. Pray also for Christians in politics and secular leadership positions. Pray that God will grant the

grace and courage to stand up for His truth at all times

Sunday: Addressing orderly worship in 1 Corinthians 14:26, Paul advises as follows “When you meet

together, one will sing, another will teach, another will tell some special revelation God has given, one will

speak in tongues, and another will interpret what is said. But everything that is done must strengthen all

of you.” In addition to your daily readings, please also prayerfully read and meditate on the Scriptures for

today’s service. Pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare and equip you to make a positive contribution to

today’s service. Please pray for the worship leader and Ps Kumar to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that

they may be channels for us to meet with God, and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Please pray for God

to fill us with the Holy Spirit, and for Him to have His way among us, so that He and He alone will be

honoured and glorified within our fellowship.

  • Please pray that rich countries will generously give food aid to Somalia where 7.1 million people need food assistance and 230,000 are facing famine.

  • Remember those in conflict zones around the world and areas af- fected by natural disaster especially Southern African countries affected by flood and Syria and Turkey. Pray for peace and relief respectively.

  • Thank God for the work He is doing through Pastor Kumar. Continue to commit God’s work here to God in prayer. Pray that God will use all of us to glorify His Holy name and expand His kingdom.

  • Pray for the leadership team here at TRBC. Pray for discernment as decisions are taken.

  • Pray for those who are elderly and sick in our fellowship. Pray that they receive good and effective medical care and support. Pray also for all their carers.

  • Give thanks for all those who are able to regularly serve in the life of the church, often behind the scenes. Pray for continued strength to serve and more volunteers.

  • Commit our partnership with London City Mission to God in prayer. Pray that God will bless and use it to expand His Kingdom. Pray for this Wednesday’s Book Table Ministry.

  • Pray for all who are suffering the effect of the cost of living crisis at home and abroad.

  • Pray for the government and all those in authority. Pray that God will grant them wisdom.

  • Pray for those who live in fear, especially our Christian brothers and sisters who live in parts of the world where they face persecution and marginalisation because of their faith.

  • Pray for students preparing for exams especially those preparing for their final / certificate exams.