Bringing Change Through Contact With Christ
By Loving God, One Another & Our Community
Hello & Welcome.
Welcome to Totteridge Road Baptist Church (TRBC), we’re delighted to see you!
We’re a friendly community of all ages and different backgrounds, who love and serve the Lord Jesus. We meet on Sunday mornings and other times during the week…

To praise and thank God for His love and goodness to us.
To read and learn from the Bible, which help us become and behave more like the Lord Jesus.
To pray for the needs of our church & local community, and that of our nation and world.
To help children learn and explore their believe in Christ Jesus through various fun-filled activities.
We’re taking steps to engage with our community to show practical love & support, and tell them about the life changing love of God, which we have discovered through the Lord Jesus.
We would love to meet you in person, so please do visit us soon. We pray you will always know the Lord’s richest blessings.
Helping In Our Community
Team effort helps provide hot meals for children in Enfield Lock.
A local church and food wholesaler got together…

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
JOHN 6:35

Sunday Services @ 10:30AM
Every Sunday we meet to worship God, through singing, praying, reading from the Bible and hearing a talk about how to live as followers of the Lord Jesus. Sometimes we have songs and prayers in other languages.
During the service, the children and young people leave to take part in their own class.
After the service there is time to chat over tea, coffee and snacks..
Follow our Online Service & Sermon.
Every Sunday from 10:30am, on Zoom for the full service.
Also, from 11am on the Totteridge Road Baptist Church YouTube channel, to watch the sermons.
Click the links below
New to TRBC?
Coming to church for the first time can be a bit daunting, but at TRBC we want you to feel at ease and comfortable. You’ll be greeted at the door, shown to a seat and the news sheet will provide information about the service. If you have any questions, the welcome team will be ready to help you.
After the service, please stay for refreshments.
If you’d like us to keep in touch, please fill in a contact form.