For Your Prayers this week

For Your Prayers - Praying Through the Scriptures:

During prayer week we studied:

(i) The Lord’s Prayer

(ii) Praying for Our & One Another’s Spiritual Growth from Ephesians 1:15-22.

(iii) Praying to Better understand God's love for us from Ephesians 3:14-19 &

Living a Life of Love from Philippians 1:9-11.

In Ephesians 3:19 Paul clearly tells us that God’s love “surpasses knowledge” but prays for believers to grasp the extent of God’s love. As we increasingly appreciate God’s love, and learn to love the Lord, we’ll move towards living a Life of love towards believers and unbelievers.


Daily: Please read Ps. 36:5 & 6, Ps, 136:1-9, John 3: 16, Romans 5:5 & 8, then praise and thank God for the depth of His love. Please tell God that You love Him and ask the Holy Spirit to help you love God more. Please read and personalise Ephesian 3:14-19. Please ask the Holy Spirit to show you all the ways in which God has shown love to you and your loved ones in the past 6 months and give Him thanks and praise.

Monday: Please read and personalise Philippians 1:9-11 and pray that our love would abound with knowledge and insight, so that through who we are, what we say and do, will be God’s best, and we’ll be pure and blameless.

Tuesday & Wednesday: For the activities listed on page 2 for each day, please pray that everyone’s love for God and others will abound, leading them to do everything for God’s glory and honour

Wednesday: The Lord Jesus said whilst the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy He came that “..they may have life, and have it to the full,” which we receive through Him laying down His life for us. (John 10:10-11) Whilst God can and does bless us with physical abundance, in love the Lord died for us to have spiritual abundance of sins forgiven, lives restored to the Father and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Let’s thank God our Father for the abundant spiritual blessings we have in Christ.

Thursday: Please make a list of unbelievers you know, then ask the Spirit to deepen your love for them and pray that they’ll come to faith to know and experience the spiritual abundance in Christ which you know and enjoy. Please

prayerfully encourage them to attend the Christianity Explored course starting on 27th February.

Friday: Around the world, within our nation and city there’s an absence of love, with increasing levels of anger and hatred. Please pray for how you can increasingly show and speak of God’s love in every situation, particularly ones

which seem dark and hopeless.

Saturday: Please pray for Clover Brown, Anne Parker and others who are unwell at TRBC to know God’s healing and restoration, and for us to show them love. Please continue to pray that the God of all comfort will comfort the Jones

family and us at TRBC, following God taking Lawrence to glory.

Sunday: Please pray that through our service today God will be glorified, and we’ll all become more Christ-like for God’s glory and honour.

Please record God’s answers to your prayers to share with others

  • Please pray that rich countries will generously give food aid to Somalia where 7.1 million people need food assistance and 230,000 are facing famine.

  • Remember those in conflict zones around the world and areas af- fected by natural disaster especially Southern African countries affected by flood and Syria and Turkey. Pray for peace and relief respectively.

  • Thank God for the work He is doing through Pastor Kumar. Continue to commit God’s work here to God in prayer. Pray that God will use all of us to glorify His Holy name and expand His kingdom.

  • Pray for the leadership team here at TRBC. Pray for discernment as decisions are taken.

  • Pray for those who are elderly and sick in our fellowship. Pray that they receive good and effective medical care and support. Pray also for all their carers.

  • Give thanks for all those who are able to regularly serve in the life of the church, often behind the scenes. Pray for continued strength to serve and more volunteers.

  • Commit our partnership with London City Mission to God in prayer. Pray that God will bless and use it to expand His Kingdom. Pray for this Wednesday’s Book Table Ministry.

  • Pray for all who are suffering the effect of the cost of living crisis at home and abroad.

  • Pray for the government and all those in authority. Pray that God will grant them wisdom.

  • Pray for those who live in fear, especially our Christian brothers and sisters who live in parts of the world where they face persecution and marginalisation because of their faith.

  • Pray for students preparing for exams especially those preparing for their final / certificate exams.