What We Do At TRBC?
Weekly Activities and Our Monthly Events
Christmas Day Service
Lord Jesus: One of Us Lord Jesus: “He Will Save His People from Their
Sins.” Matthew 1: 18-25
Speaker Pastor Kumar
Watchnight Service
Lord Jesus: One of Us - Lord Jesus: Baptised “to Fulfil All Righteousness”
Matthew 3: 13-17 & Luke 3: 21-22
Speaker Pastor Kumar
Morning Worship
Lord Jesus: One of Us- Joseph & Lord Jesus- like 'father'/ FATHER, like SON
Matthew 1: 18-20, 2: 13-14, 19-23 & Luke 2: 41-52
Speaker Pastor Kumar
Men’s Ministry Meeting
Let's get together on Friday 20th Dec at 6.45pm to help set up the lecture hall for CLOJ delivery on Saturday and spend a short time socialising
Morning Worship
Lord Jesus: One of Us - Lord Jesus: Facing Friends & Foes
Matthew 2: 1-18
Speaker Pastor Kumar
Gift Sunday / Parade Service
Gift Sunday / Parade Service
Lord Jesus: One of Us - Lord Jesus the Refugee – It runs in His family
Matthew 1: 2, 5, 11-12 & Matthew 2: 13-15
Speaker: Pastor Kumar
Morning Worship
Knowing God & Knowing Ourselves
God’s Promise Regarding Christ’s Priesthood
Hebrews 6: 13-20
By Pastor Kumar
Communion Service
Harvest / Parade service
The Big Picture of Numbers
Speaker: Pastor Kumar
Followed by Macmillan Coffee Morning (donations welcome)
Morning Worship
Knowing God & Knowing Ourselves
Once Saved, Always Saved – Scriptural or Not? – Part 2
Hebrews 6: 4-8
Speaker: Pastor Kumar
Followed by Leadership meeting
TRBC In The Local Community
Christmas Lunch On Jesus
Since Christmas 2019 TRBC has participated in Christmas Lunch on Jesus, through which we distribute hampers to those who cannot afford to provide Christmas lunch.
In 2020 we worked with Enfield Council and other local churches to help over 50 families, and will be continuing this work..
In Christmas 2022, as in 2021, we are working with local schools to provide hampers to the families of children in these schools who need help to enjoy a traditional Christmas lunch
Christians Against Poverty
We are part of the Enfield Churches Debt Centre, which works with Christians Against Poverty to help people out of debt. In the near future members of the congregation will receive training to befriend and support those receiving help to get out of debt..
Food Hub
During the Covid pandemic, we served as a hub to receive and distribute frozen food to other local churches to help local families in need and will be exploring how we build on this work..